Donate to empower the entrepreneurs of your choice and help us empower 1 million entrepreneurs worldwide with free access to the knowledge, tools and support they need.

We do this by providing them with free access to The Lonely Entrepreneur Learning Community – a one stop shop for the knowledge tools and support entrepreneurs need to succeed – available 24/7. Their “sidekick” at every step.

The Learning Community gives entrepreneurs multiple ways to get the answers they need including:

  • Knowledge: 500 learning modules on business and personal issues entrepreneurs face
  • Tools: 100s of templates (e.g., legal agreements) and reviews of vendors (e.g., CRM)
  • Ongoing Support: online group coaching and the ability to get questions answered by the TLE team
  • Community: interact with a global community of fellow entrepreneurs
  • 150+ Funding Sources: exposure to funding opportunities
  • 50+ Vendor Vetting and Deals: vetted vendors and deals (including some free services)
  • 200+ Procurement Opportunities: opportunities to offer services to larger companies

For each $250 you donate, we can provide the Learning Community to an entrepreneur for a full year.